I get a lot of people writing in looking for old issues of H-T-T. This blog is an homage to the old outdoorsman/adventure magazines of the early 20th century and is not associated with A.R. Harding publications. You can find old issues at sites like Amazon but why pay inflated prices for facsimiles when archived copies of the original Hunter-Trader-Trapper are floating around the Internet, free for your perusal.
There’s a few copies uploaded on Scribd by a fellow outdoor magazine enthusiast that you can read for free. I chose this particular volume to embed here because it has a fascinating article about silencers that clearly demonstrates that even in 1910 the mainstream media was full of misinformation about guns and their various accessories. The vintage ads for the various fur buyers are also sure to excite history buffs. Of course, there are enough stories within of trapping, hunting and making money in the woods to fuel your day dreams of quitting your job and moving permanently to a hunting camp until the next round of bills come in at least. It’s a Google doc so the first few pages are legal rigmarole.