Monthly Archives: October 2011

A Complete Guide to Rifle Reloading

This video by Eric Blandford, otherwise known as Iraqveteran8888 put together this great video taking you though hand-loading rifle cartridges that takes you though the common tools you’ll need and the actual process. Over 45 minutes but worth taking a … Continue reading

Posted in Ammunition, DIY | Leave a comment

Dave Canterbury on the Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy Show

I’ve been bad about keeping up with my survival sites. I just got around to listening to Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy’s interview with Dual Survival star Dave Canterbury a week ago and then I just remembered I didn’t put … Continue reading

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Dangerous Giant Snails Invading Florida

Be careful if you live in Florida. Apparently a population of exotic snails is flourishing in one area much to the chagrin of authorities. The problem – the snails carry worms that can gestate in humans and cause an untreatable … Continue reading

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Food Shortages Have Nestle CEO Worried

I think I found this story at Survival Blog a few days ago. As I’ve said before crop shortages and increased demand are being ignored and a lot of people are going to be caught unaware in the coming months … Continue reading

Posted in Farms, News, Survival | Leave a comment

My New Pajamas Media Article

My new piece is up on Pajamas Media. It deals with Anonymous and their history and the new threats they recently made in support of Occupy Wall St.Check it out.

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